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Myanmar comprará en Rusia 20 cazas MiG-29
Moscú, 23 de diciembre, RIA Novosti. Myanmar comprará en Rusia 20 cazas MiG-29 para su Fuerza Aérea por un importe de casi 400 millones de euros, escribe hoy el diario Vedomosti.
Una fuente próxima a Rosoboronexport, monopolio público ruso en materia de exportación de material bélico, subrayó que los militares birmanos prefirieron los Mig-29 a los flamantes cazas de fabricación china J-10 y FC-1, a pesar de que Pekín presentó una oferta bastante atractiva y en la década del 90 había vendido a Myanmar armas por valor de casi dos mil millones de dólares.
En 2001 Rusia suministró a Myanmar 12 cazas MiG-29. El próximo lote será el mayor desde 2007, año en que Argelia rescindió un contrato para la compra de 34 cazas MiG-29 SMT. En 2008 Rusia acordó la venta de seis cazas de este modelo a Sri Lanka y anunció la donación de otras 10 máquinas a Líbano.
Moscú, 23 de diciembre, RIA Novosti. Myanmar comprará en Rusia 20 cazas MiG-29 para su Fuerza Aérea por un importe de casi 400 millones de euros, escribe hoy el diario Vedomosti.
Una fuente próxima a Rosoboronexport, monopolio público ruso en materia de exportación de material bélico, subrayó que los militares birmanos prefirieron los Mig-29 a los flamantes cazas de fabricación china J-10 y FC-1, a pesar de que Pekín presentó una oferta bastante atractiva y en la década del 90 había vendido a Myanmar armas por valor de casi dos mil millones de dólares.
En 2001 Rusia suministró a Myanmar 12 cazas MiG-29. El próximo lote será el mayor desde 2007, año en que Argelia rescindió un contrato para la compra de 34 cazas MiG-29 SMT. En 2008 Rusia acordó la venta de seis cazas de este modelo a Sri Lanka y anunció la donación de otras 10 máquinas a Líbano.
Re: Myanmar
fuerza aerea de Myanmar recibe 6 nuevos K-8
- Cantidad de envíos : 10480
Fecha de inscripción : 30/12/2012
Localización : Venezuela
Re: Myanmar
JF-17 for Myanmar Seen Flying in China
by Chen Chuanren, June 15, 2017, 8:48 AM
A JF-17 for Myanmar seen test-flying from Chengdu in China. Inset: the JF-17B two-seater. (Photo: Chinese Internet)
A JF-17 “Thunder” combat jet destined for the Myanmar air force is currently undergoing flight tests at Chengdu airfield in China, the home of the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC). A photo appearing on the Chinese internet shows the aircraft, designated the JF-17M, in two-tone blue camouflage. CAC is in a joint venture with the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) to produce the JF-17.
Myanmar signed for 16 JF-17 Block 2 versions worth approximately $560 million in July 2015. On Pakistani television last December, two were seen in the final stages of production at PAC’s Kamra factory. Deliveries are expected to start from second half this year and could replace the venerable Nanchang Q-5 and Chengdu J-7 fighters that China previously supplied to Myanmar.
Compared with standard-production JF-17s for the Pakistan air force, the JF-17M features a different UHF/VHF antenna beneath the nose and LED landing lights on the front undercarriage. Block 2 aircraft possess in-flight refueling capabilities as well as improved avionics and electronics systems. It is not clear why this aircraft for Myanmar is being test-flown from Chengdu, since all final production of the JF-17 is done at Kamra.
Separately, the twin-seat JF-17B variant made its first flight from Chengdu on April 27 this year. CAC claims that the twin-seater retains the combat capabilities of the single-seater. Despite additional space in the fuselage for the stretched cockpit, endurance remains largely unchanged due to the installation of a fuel tank in a dorsal spine.
by Chen Chuanren, June 15, 2017, 8:48 AM
A JF-17 for Myanmar seen test-flying from Chengdu in China. Inset: the JF-17B two-seater. (Photo: Chinese Internet)
A JF-17 “Thunder” combat jet destined for the Myanmar air force is currently undergoing flight tests at Chengdu airfield in China, the home of the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC). A photo appearing on the Chinese internet shows the aircraft, designated the JF-17M, in two-tone blue camouflage. CAC is in a joint venture with the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) to produce the JF-17.
Myanmar signed for 16 JF-17 Block 2 versions worth approximately $560 million in July 2015. On Pakistani television last December, two were seen in the final stages of production at PAC’s Kamra factory. Deliveries are expected to start from second half this year and could replace the venerable Nanchang Q-5 and Chengdu J-7 fighters that China previously supplied to Myanmar.
Compared with standard-production JF-17s for the Pakistan air force, the JF-17M features a different UHF/VHF antenna beneath the nose and LED landing lights on the front undercarriage. Block 2 aircraft possess in-flight refueling capabilities as well as improved avionics and electronics systems. It is not clear why this aircraft for Myanmar is being test-flown from Chengdu, since all final production of the JF-17 is done at Kamra.
Separately, the twin-seat JF-17B variant made its first flight from Chengdu on April 27 this year. CAC claims that the twin-seater retains the combat capabilities of the single-seater. Despite additional space in the fuselage for the stretched cockpit, endurance remains largely unchanged due to the installation of a fuel tank in a dorsal spine.
MIG- Cabo Segundo
- Cantidad de envíos : 2196
Fecha de inscripción : 24/01/2010
Localización : La Guayana Esequiba
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